Spare parts for agricultural machinery – spring tines for tillers and cultivators, blade holders etc.

Production of spare parts for agricultural machinery is one of our main activities – the one that we are best known for in Poland. That’s where we started, and also constantly improved and developed part of our offer. Our range of spare parts is valued both by our local and international clients.

Our standard offer includes:

  • spare parts for tillers (spring tine, light tine, tiller tine, Famarol type tine, Słupsk type tine, 32×10 tine, 32×12 tine, 45×10 tine, 45×12 tine, ripper tine, seed drill tine, straight tiller spring tine, flat 3-hole spring, SV type spring tine, SU type spring tine, rear spring tine, front spring tine with cultivator point, Danish type tine, S-tine with cultivator point, spring tiller S-tine, seed drill, cultivator points, 1-hole cultivator point, straight cultivator point, spring tiller tine reinforcing element, reinforcing spring, auxiliary spring, tine holder, levelling tine 80×10, tine to ring roller 60×10),
  • spare parts for cultivators (cultivator tine, 2-hole cultivator point),
  • spare parts for rotary mowers (holder, blade holder, holders).

What’s special about our spring tines for tillers?

Unique design, improved durability (spring tine hardness 46 HRC, +/- 3 HRC) and clogging resistance, backed by over 40 years experience in manufacturing spring tines for tillers. BAGRAMET products are valued locally and internationally!

Contact us for more information on our range of spare parts.

We will answer all your questions! We also offer non-standard spring tines not available in our standard offer. We make products to custom requirements.. Our range of spare parts (spring tines) is constantly improved based on the requirements and expectations of our present and prospective Clients.